Awk 命令


Have a try

awk -F: '{print $1, $NF}' /etc/passwd
part of command Meaning
-F: Colon as a separator
{…} Awk program
print Prints the current record
$1 First field
$NF Last field
/etc/passwd Input data file

Awk syntax:

awk [options] '[/pattern/] {action}' [input-file]

/pattern/ Execute actions only for matched pattern

awk -F: '/root/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd

BEGIN block is executed once at the start

awk -F: 'BEGIN { print "uid"} { print $1 }' /etc/passwd

END block is executed once at the end

awk -F: '{print $1} END { print "-done-"}' /etc/passwd

Build-in variables

Variable Meaning
$0 Whole line
$1, $2...$NF First, second… last field
NR Number of Records
NF Number of Fields
OFS Output Field Separator (default “ “)
FS input Field Separator (default “ “)
ORS Output Record Separator (default “\n”)
RS input Record Separator (default “\n”)
FILENAME Name of the file


Expression Meaning
$1 == "root" First field equals root
{print $(NF-1)} Second last field
NR!=1{print $0} From 2th record
NR > 3 From 4th record
NR == 1 First record
END{print NR} Total records
BEGIN{print OFMT} Output format
{print NR, $0} Line number
{print NR " " $0} Line number (tab)
{$1 = NR; print} Replace 1th field with line number
$NF > 4 Last field > 4
NR % 2 == 0 Even records
NR==10, NR==20 Records 10 to 20
BEGIN{print ARGC} Total arguments
ORS=NR%5?",":"\n" Concatenate records

Awk Operators

Operator Meaning
{print $1} First field
$2 == "foo" Equals
$2 != "foo" Not equals
"foo" in array In array
Regular expression  
/regex/ Line matches
!/regex/ Line not matches
$1 ~ /regex/ Field matches
$1 !~ /regex/ Field not matches
More conditions  
($2 <= 4 | $3 < 20) Or
($1 == 4 && $3 < 20) And


oc get pods | awk '$3 !~ "(Running|Completed|Creating)" {print $1}'