登录 Chef Server 下载 Starter Kit
- 打开 Chef hosted 官网 注册并登录
- 在 chef server 中创建新的组织
- 选择组织并下载并解压 Starter Kit
检查是否可以正确连接到 Chef Server
$ cd ~/chef-repo
$ ls ~/chef-repo/.chef
# 测试连接
$ knife ssl check
Connecting to host api.chef.io:443
Successfully verified certificates from 'api.chef.io'
# 生成 cookbook 框架
$ mkdir ~/chef-repo/cookbooks
$ chef generate cookbook ~/chef-repo/cookbooks/your_cookbook_name
本地测试 Recipes
chef-client --local-mode hello.rb
上传 cookbook 到 Chef server
$ cd ~/chef-repo/
$ knife cookbook upload learn_chef_httpd
Uploading learn_chef_httpd [0.1.0]
Uploaded 1 cookbook.
# 查看 cookbook 列表
$ knife cookbook list
learn_chef_httpd 0.1.0
启动 Node 关联到 Chef Server 并执行 Recipes
$ cd ~/chef-repo
$ knife bootstrap --ssh-user vagrant --sudo --identify-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa --node-name node-centos --run-list 'recipe[learn_chef_httpd]'
$ knife node list
$ knife node show node-centos
Node Name: node-centos
Environment: _default
FQDN: localhost
Run List: recipe[learn_chef_httpd]
Recipes: learn_chef_httpd, learn_chef_httpd::default
Platform: centos 7.2.1511
Update your node’s configuration
- You ran
knife bootstrap
to associate your node with the Chef server and do an initial check-in. Bootstrapping is a one-time process. - The
knife ssh
command enables you to update your node’s configuration when your cookbook changes.
Chef 模板
- Chef server created what’s called a
node object
- The
<%= %>
syntax enables you to provide placeholders in your template file.
更新 cookbook 的版本等信息
vim ~/chef-repo/cookbooks/learn_chef_httpd/metadata.rb
name 'learn_chef_httpd'
maintainer 'The Authors'
maintainer_email 'you@example.com'
license 'all_rights'
description 'Installs/Configures learn_chef_httpd'
long_description 'Installs/Configures learn_chef_httpd'
version '0.2.0'
issues_url 'https://github.com/learn-chef/learn_chef_httpd/issues' if respond_to?(:issues_url)
source_url 'https://github.com/learn-chef/learn_chef_httpd' if respond_to?(:source_url)
在 Node 上执更新后的 cookbook
knife ssh 'name:node-centos' 'sudo chef-client' -x vagrant -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -a ipaddress
从 Berkshelf 下载 cookbook
Berkshelf is a tool that helps you resolve cookbook dependencies.
$ cd ~/chef-repo
$ vim Berksfile
source 'https://supermarket.chef.io'
cookbook 'chef-client'
$ berks install
$ ls -1 ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks
$ berks upload
Uploaded windows (4.3.3) to: 'https://api.chef.io/organizations/learning2018'
Uploaded logrotate (2.2.0) to: 'https://api.chef.io/organizations/learning2018'
Uploaded cron (6.1.1) to: 'https://api.chef.io/organizations/learning2018'
Uploaded chef-client (10.1.0) to: 'https://api.chef.io/organizations/learning2018'
创建 role
Roles enable you to focus on the function your node performs collectively rather than each of its individual components (its run-list, node attributes, and so on). For example, you might have a web server role, a database role, or a load balancer role. Here, you’ll create a role named web to define your node’s function as a web server.
mkdir ~/chef-repo/roles
vim ~/chef-repo-roles/web.json
"name": "web",
"description": "Web server role.",
"json_class": "Chef::Role",
"default_attributes": {
"chef_client": {
"interval": 300,
"splay": 60
"override_attributes": {},
"chef_type": "role",
"run_list": [
"env_run_lists": {}
knife role from file
knife role list
knife role show web
knife node run_list set node-centos 'role[web]'
knife node show node1-centos --run-list
启动 chef-client 执行 role
knife ssh 'role:web' 'sudo chef-client' -x vagrant -a ipaddress
Clean up your environment
Delete the node from the Chef server
knife node delete node-centos --yes
knife client delete node-centos --yes
Delete your cookbook from the Chef server
knife cookbook delete learn_chef_httpd --all --yes
Delete the role from the Chef server
knife role delete web --yes
Delete the RSA private key from your node
sudo rm /etc/chef/client.pem
Knife Subcommands Summary
knife node
knife node list
# To show basic information about a node, truncated and nicely formatted
knife node show NODE_NAME
# To show all information about a node, nicely formatted
# -l, --long
knife node show -l $host
# To list a single node attribute
# -a ATTR, --attribute ATTR
knife node show $host -a ATTRIBUTE_NAME
# To view the FQDN for a node named
knife node show $host -a fqdn
knife node show $host -a cookbooks
# To view the run-list for a node named
# -r, --run-list
knife node show $host -r
run_list add
A run-list is an ordered list of roles and/or recipes that are run in the exact order defined in the run-list; if a recipe appears more than once in the run-list, Chef Infra Client will not run it twice.
Both roles and recipes must be in quotes.
Use the
run_list add
argument to add run-list items (roles or recipes) to a node.
# Syntax
knife node run_list add NODE_NAME RUN_LIST_ITEM
# To add a role to a run-list
knife node run_list add $host 'role[NAME]'
# To add a recipe to a run-list using the fully qualified format
knife node run_list add $host 'recipe[COOKBOOK::RECIPE]'
# To add a recipe to a run-list using the cookbook format
knife node run_list add $host 'COOKBOOK::RECIPE_NAME'
# To add the default recipe of a cookbook to a run-list
knife node run_list add $host 'COOKBOOK'
# To add roles and recipes to a run-list
knife node run_list add $host 'role[NAME], recipe[COOKBOOK::RECIPE]'
run_list remove
Use the run_list remove
argument to remove run-list items (roles or recipes) from a node.
# Syntax
knife node run_list remove NODE_NAME RUN_LIST_ITEM
# To remove a role from a run-list
knife node run_list remove $host 'role[ROLE_NAME]'
# To remove a recipe from a run-list using the fully qualified format
knife node run_list remove $host 'recipe[COOKBOOK::RECIPE_NAME]'
run_list set
Use the run_list set
argument to set the run-list for a node.
# Syntax
knife node run_list set NODE_NAME RUN_LIST_ITEM
knife status
knife status
knife status | grep -P -i 'pattern'
knife runs
# List running status for all hosts
knife runs list
# List running status for a specific host
knife runs list $host
# Get the details for a run_id
knife runs show $run_id
knife role
knife role list
knife role show ROLE_NAME