K-means 优化目标
$c^{(i)} =$ 样本 $x^{(i)}$ 当前被赋与的簇索引 $(1,2,\dots,K)$
$\mu_k=$ cluster centroid $k\;(\mu_k \in \Bbb R^n)$
$\mu_{c^{(i)}}=$ 样本 $x^{(i)}$ 被赋与的簇索引所对应的 cluster centroid
\[J(c^{(1)},\dots,c^{(m)},\mu_1,\dots,\mu_K) = \dfrac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\|x^{(i)} - \mu_{c^{(i)}}\|^2\] \[\min_{\substack{c^{(1)},\dots,c^{(m)} \\ \mu_1,\dots,\mu_K}} J(c^{(1)},\dots,c^{(m)},\mu_1,\dots,\mu_K)\]K-means 优化算法
随机初始化 K-means,选择 $K$ 个 cluster centroid $\mu_1,\mu_2,\dots,\mu_K \in \Bbb R^n$
- 让 $K \lt m$
- 随机选取 $K$ 个样本
- 设置 $\mu_1,\dots,\mu_K$ 等于这些样本
重复运行直到 K-means 收敛
$\text{Repeat \{}$
$\quad\text{for } i = 1 \text{ to } m$
$\quad\quad c^{(i)} := \text{index (from } 1 \text{ to } K \text{)} \text{ of cluster centroid cloest to } x^{(i)}$
$\quad\text{for } k = 1 \text{ to } K$
$\quad\quad \mu_k := \text{average (mean) of points assigned to cluster } k$
重复随机初始化,找到最小 $J$ 值
$\text{for } i = 1 \text{ to } 100 \text{ \{}$
$\quad$随机初始化 K-means
$\quad$运行 K-means 得到 $c^{(1)},\dots,c^{(m)},\mu_1,\dots,\mu_K$
$\quad$计算代价函数(distortion) $J(c^{(1)},\dots,c^{(m)},\mu_1,\dots,\mu_K)$
主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis)
- 训练集: $x^{(1)},x^{(2)},\cdots,x^{(m)}$
- 预处理 (feature scaling/mean normalization) \(\begin{aligned} \mu_j &= \sum_{i=1}^m x_j^{(i)} \\ x^{(i)}_j &= \dfrac{x^{(i)}_j-\mu_j}{\max{x_j}-\min{x_j}} \end{aligned}\)
PCA 算法
Reduce data from n-dimensions to k-dimensions
Compute “Covariance Matrix”
\[\Sigma = \dfrac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^n(x^{(i)})(x^{(i)})^T\]Compute “eigenvectors” of matrix $\Sigma$,in octave, the command is [U,S,V] = svd(Sigma)
, svd is sigular vector decomposition.
Sigma = (1/m) * x' * x;
[U,S,V] = svd(Sigma);
U_reduce = U(:, 1:k);
z = U_reduce' * x;