OpenSSH Port Forwarding
以下端口转发命令都可以加上 -f
和 -T
表示让 ssh 进入后台执行命令,-N
Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution. This is useful if ssh is going to ask for passwords or passphrases, but the user wants it in the background. This implies -n. The recommended way to start X11 programs at a remote site is with something like ssh -f host xterm.
Do not execute a remote command. This is useful for just forwarding ports.
Disable pseudo-terminal allocation.
Groovy 语法总结
Groovysh 相关配置
Shell 变量是无类型的,即不是 def
下面定义了一个 Shell 变量
foo = "bar"
但是下面一行定义了一个本地变量,并且不会保存到 shell 环境中
def foo = "bar"
可以通过设置 :set interpreterMode
OpenSSH Config
客户端配置文件 SSH_CONFIG
man 5 ssh_config
客户端配置文件可以划分成段,每个段包含一个或一组主机的设置。OpenSSH 以 Host
关键字开始一个新段,后面跟的字符串称为主机规范 (Host Specification)。主机规范可以是以下几种类型:
OpenSSL 常用命令
OpenSSL 简介
OpenSSL 是一个实现了 传输层安全 (Transport Layer Security, TLS v1) 网络协议和相关加密标准的加密工具箱.
是在 shell 中使用 OpenSSL 加密库中各种加密函数的命令行工具.
pyenv - Python 版本管理工具
安装 pyenv 和 pyenv-virtualenv 插件
brew update
brew install pyenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenv
Chef 学习笔记
登录 Chef Server 下载 Starter Kit
- 打开 Chef hosted 官网 注册并登录
- 在 chef server 中创建新的组织
- 选择组织并下载并解压 Starter Kit
在 Windows 系统上安装64位 Vim
- 下载 vim x64 的 zip 包
- 创建文件夹
C:\Program Files\Vim\vimxx
(xx 为 vim 版本,如 8.1 版本就是 vim81),将解压的文件复制到该文件夹
计算机代数系统(CAS) - SymPy
是一个用来处理数学符号的 Python 库,一个计算机代数系统(Computer Algebra System, CAS)。
两个在线版本的 SymPy:
Vim 使用技巧
查看 :h fold.txt
手册了解 Vim 中的折叠功能。
Vim 的 foldmethod
有以下 6 种折叠方式
foldmethod | value | description |
fold-manual | manual | 手动建立折叠。 |
fold-indent | indent | 相同缩进距离的行构成折叠。 |
fold-expr | expr | ‘foldexpr’ 给出每行的折叠级别。 |
fold-marker | marker | 标志用于指定折叠。 |
fold-syntax | syntax | 语法高亮项目指定折叠。 |
fold-diff | diff | 没有改变的文本构成折叠。 |
比如: 为 json 文本创建折叠
set ft=json
syntax on
set fdm=syntax
查看 :h 'fold-methods'
, :h 'foldmethod'
Windows 下创建目录链接
在 Windows 下如果通过右键菜单->创建快捷方式
生成的文件或文件夹,其实是生成了一个后辍为.lnk 的文件,在其它程序里面是不会引用到原文件或文件夹的,如果通过mklink
Linux Commands Summary
Linux 在线手册
- 1: User commands; man-pages includes a very few Section 1 pages that document programs supplied by the GNU C library.
- 2: System calls documents the system calls provided by the Linux kernel.
- 3: Library functions documents the functions provided by the standard C library.
- 4: Devices documents details of various devices, most of which reside in
. - 5: Files describes various file formats, and includes proc(5), which documents the
file system. - 7: Overviews, conventions, and miscellaneous.
- 8: Superuser and system administration commands; man-pages includes a very few Section 8 pages that document programs supplied by the GNU C library.
Linux datetime
Unix timestamp
Unix timestamp 又称为 Unix time, POSIX time。是指从 Unix epoch 1970年1月1日 00:00:00 UTC+00:00 时刻开始,到现在经过的总秒数。一般可通过命令 date +%s
Time Zone Abbreviations – Worldwide List
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
协调世界时,是个标准时间。 -
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Bash Colors
ANSI escape code
Bash 中使用 echo
代码 | 说明 |
\003[ or \e |
颜色起始修饰符 |
STYLE;COLORm | 样式 + ; + 颜色代码 + m |
\003[0m or \e[0m |
重置为无颜色 |
echo -e "\e[0;31mText\e[0m"
# Color Variables
echo -e "${Red}Text${NC}"
Have a try
查看 nat
iptables -t nat -L
The following parameters make up a rule specification (as used in the add, delete, insert, replace and append commands).
-p, --protocol
[!] protocolProtocol can be one of tcp, udp, icmp, or all. A protocol name from
is also allowed. A “!” argument before the protocol inverts the test. The number zero is equivalent to all. Protocol all will match with all protocols and is taken as default when this option is omitted. -
-j, --jump
targetThe target can be a user-defined chain (other than the one this rule is in), one of the special builtin targets which decide the fate of the packet immediately, or an extension.
-i, --in-interface
[!] nameName of an interface via which a packet was received (only for packets entering the INPUT, FORWARD and PREROUTING chains). When the “!” argument is used before the interface name, the sense is inverted. If the interface name ends in a “+”, then any interface which begins with this name will match. If this option is omitted, any interface name will match.
-o, --out-interface
[!] nameName of an interface via which a packet is going to be sent (for packets entering the FORWARD, OUTPUT and POSTROUTING chains). When the “!” argument is used before the interface name, the sense is inverted. If the interface name ends in a “+”, then any interface which begins with this name will match. If this option is omitted, any interface name will match.
共计 99 篇文章,5 页。